Last Updated on April 13 2022

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) Policy


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) creates a standardized process for copyright holders

(including software developers) to ask Boardwalk Travel Agency (“Boardwalk Travel”) to take down infringing content.

You can find more information about the DMCA at

the U.S. Copyright Office’s official website.

As with all legal matters, it is always best to consult with a professional about your specific questions or

situation. We strongly encourage you to do so before taking any action that might impact your rights. Our

guides are NOT legal advice and shouldn’t be taken as such.

Accurate Information

The DMCA requires that you swear to the facts in your notice of infringement under penalty of perjury. It is a

federal crime to intentionally lie in a sworn declaration. (See U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1621). Submitting

false information could also result in civil liability—that is, you could get sued for money damages.


Millions of users and organizations pour their hearts and souls into the content they create using Boardwalk

Travel. Filing a DMCA notice of infringement against such is a serious legal allegation that carries real

consequences for real people. Because of that, we ask that you conduct a thorough investigation and consult

with an attorney before submitting a takedown request to make sure that the use isn’t actually permissible.

A great first step before sending us a takedown notice is to try contacting the user directly.

No Automated Bots 

You should have a trained professional evaluate the facts of every takedown notice you send. If you are

outsourcing your efforts to a third party, make sure you know how they operate, and make sure they are not

using automated bots to submit notices in bulk. These notices are often invalid and processing them results in

needlessly taking down content.

Counter Notices

Any user affected by your takedown notice may decide to submit a counter notice. If they do, we will re-enable

their content within 14 days unless you notify us that you have initiated a legal action seeking to restrain the

user from engaging in infringing activity relating to the content on Boardwalk Travel.

The Determination

Boardwalk Travel exercises little discretion in the process other than determining whether the notices meet the

minimum requirements of the DMCA. It is up to the parties (and their lawyers) to evaluate the merit of their

claims, bearing in mind that notices must be made under penalty of perjury.

DMCA Takedown Notice

If someone else is using your copyrighted content in an unauthorized manner on Boardwalk Travel , please

send an email notification to [email protected]. You may include an attachment if you like, but please also

include a plain-text version of your letter in the body of your message. Please include the following

information into the notice:

To submit a notice of claimed copyright infringement, you will need to provide us with the following


1. A physical or electronic signature (typing your full name will suffice) of the copyright owner or a

person authorized to act on their behalf;

2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed (e.g., a link to your original

work or clear description of the materials allegedly being infringed upon);

3. Identification of the infringing material and information reasonably sufficient to permit Twitter to

locate the material on our website or services;

4. Your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email address;

5. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner asserted is not

authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and

6. A statement that the information in the complaint is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that you

are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

If you must send your notice by physical mail, you can do that too, but it will take substantially longer for us to

receive and respond to it. Notices we receive via plain-text email have a much faster turnaround than PDF

attachments or physical mail. If you still wish to mail us your notice, our physical address is:

Attention Legal Department

DMCA Notice

Boardwalk Travel Agency

212 E Crossroads Blvd Suite 176

Saratoga Springs, UT 84045

E-mail: [email protected]

By submitting a DMCA notice via our form, email, or physical mail, you acknowledge that a copy of your

DMCA submission disclosing all information provided may be shared with the accused party.

DMCA Counter Notice

If you believe your content on Boardwalk Travel was mistakenly disabled by a DMCA takedown request, you

have the right to contest the takedown by submitting a counter notice. Before you begin, please ensure that you

can answer the requirements for DMCA counter notifications. 

You may also submit a counter notice by e-mail or physical mail, as set forth above.

Copyright 2022 – Boardwalk Travel Agency – All Rights Reserved

Phone/Text: 407-743-5252

Starting in mid-2025, most EU countries will require foreign travelers to apply for ETIAS before traveling to Europe. In the past, most travelers with a valid passport did not require any kind of VISA to travel to EU countries. While this remains true, they will need to apply for ETIAS before traveling. Here’s everything you need to know about this new program and how you can help your clients apply before they travel.

What is ETIAS?

The European Travel Information and Authorization System or ETIAS is a new travel documentation system that the EU is implementing for passport holders of 59 countries including the U.S.A. Most countries in the EU will require travelers to apply for ETIAS before visiting.

How do I apply for ETIAS?

You will apply for ETIAS on their main website. Note that they are currently not requiring travelers to submit applications at this time. Anyone traveling closer to mid 2025 should check their website for updates.

What’s required to apply for ETIAS?

Your clients will need to provide a valid passport (with at least 3 months of validity left and traveling before it expires). They will also need to pay a €7 application fee per person.

What type of travel requires ETIAS?

Your clients will need to apply for ETIAS if they are flying into a country that requires it or plan to step foot in a country that requires it. This includes guided travel, cruises and river cruises. The supplier will provide more information about ETIAS and what is required of the client before or after the booking.

Do my clients have to apply for ETIAS everytime they travel to EU countries?

No. ETIAS is valid for 3 years or until your clients passports expire; whichever comes first. If your clients renew their passport, they will then need to reapply for ETIAS before visiting most EU countries.

How can I apply for ETIAS on behalf of my clients?

As a Travel Professional you can apply for ETIAS on behalf of your clients. You will go through the same application process as anyone except there will be an extra step where both the client(s) and yourself will sign a declaration of representation stating that that all parties understand you are filing on their behalf and will do so correctly.

In some cases it may be easier to have your clients apply themselves with you walking them through the steps of doing so.

When should I apply for ETIAS?

You should apply for ETIAS BEFORE you purchase tickets or make reservations.

Most applications will be processed within minutes and at the latest within 96 hours. However, some applicants may be asked to provide additional information or documentation or to participate in an interview with national authorities, which may take up to additional 30 days.

my disney experience logo

Prepare for Your Walt Disney World Vacation

Take action now to prepare for your upcoming Walt Disney World® vacation! Link your reservation and tickets to stay informed about important next steps and key planning dates, including important Know Before You Go resources.
Follow these simple steps to get started:

Register or Sign In to Start Your

This will take you to the My Disney Experience website. Sign in using your Disney Account or create one. Then, create your Family and Friends list for your travel party. You'll need this to assign Tickets to them and to make Theme Park reservations.

Link your reservation

Once you're signed in to My Disney Experience, enter your Resort Confirmation number provided by your Travel Professional.

Please note: You'll need to verify the names of everyone on this reservation. If you need to make any modifications, we recommend you contact your Travel Professional before you link your reservation.

Link your Walt Disney World Ticket or Pass

To prepare for making Theme Park reservations, each Guest ages 3+ in your travel party must have a valid ticket linked for each day they wish to visit the Disney Parks.

Please note: If you have a room and ticket package for a select Walt Disney World Resort hotel, your tickets will be included when you link your Disney Resort reservation and you can skip Step 3.

Make your Theme Park Reservation in the Disney Park Pass System

Choose the date and Theme Park that you'd like to visit from the available reservations in the Disney Park Pass system via My Disney Experience. Please note that dates and Theme Park selections are limited and subject to availability. Remember, to enter a Walt Disney World Theme Park, each Guest ages 3+ in your travel party must have both a valid ticket for admission and a Theme Park Reservation for the same Park on the same date, for each day they wish to visit.

Review and Confirm Your Plans

Carefully review and confirm your selected park and date. Once confirmed, your reservation will appear in My Plans on the My Disney Experience website.


Customer Service:

Bookings: Agents must call 1-800-DOLLYWOOD (1-800-365-5996)
Group Bookings: Call 865-428-6789 or email [email protected]
Schedule: Mon-Sat 7:30am - 8:00pm ET, Sun 8:00am - 7:00pm ET

Training Platform:

Booking Platform:

Phone call with reservation center.

Private Location:


Transfer Booking:


Commission Rate:


Travel Insurance:

Use Allianz



- Agents must call in for reservations and use Boardwalk’s CLIA number (00039054).
- No commission on tickets, only on the hotel stay.
- Email invoice to [email protected]
- Submit for commission request on our website after you send in the invoice
- Commission only on DreamMore Resort and Spa, and Heartsong Lodge and Resort (10%)
- Commission paid only on Regular, AAA and AARP rates

List of places with resident sales restrictions (we cannot sell to people living in these places):

  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • Crimea (region of Ukraine)
  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Donetsk (region of Ukraine)
  • Luhansk (region of Ukraine)
  • Kherson (region of Ukraine)
  • Zaporizhzhia (region of Ukraine)

Boardwalk Travel agents should always offer travel insurance to each client. It will protect their travel and limit the risk of losing a customer because they were never offered a travel protection plan. Let the client be the one to reject, but every agent should offer it to every client.

7 Reasons to Buy Travel Insurance

Travel insurance isn’t just for expensive vacations. Travel insurance isn’t just for trips overseas. And travel insurance isn’t just for long journeys.

It’s essential to buy travel insurance for every trip, because you never know what might happen when you’re far from home! Every year, 55 million Americans purchase Allianz Travel Insurance to protect them against the most common travel mishaps.

Not sure if you need to insure your trip? Here are the top seven reasons to buy travel insurance.

1. Because you don’t want to lose all your money if you have to cancel your trip.

Even the best-planned trips sometimes have to be canceled. But many travel providers—such as tour operators, cruise lines and airlines—offer minimal or no refunds for last-minute cancellations. If this happens, can you afford to lose all the money you’ve spent on your trip?

One of the best reasons to buy travel insurance is having the protection of trip cancellation benefits. These can reimburse you for prepaid, nonrefundable trip costs when you must cancel for a covered reason. When you get your money back, you can book your vacation for another, brighter day.

What if you need to cancel for a reason that’s not covered? If you think that’s a possibility, consider buying the Cancel Anytime upgrade. Available on our most popular plans, OneTrip Prime and OneTrip Premier, Cancel Anytime can reimburse 80% of your lost non-refundable trip costs if you cancel your trip for almost any unforeseeable reason your plan does not already cover. That way, you can travel with confidence.

2. Because accidents can—and do—happen while traveling.

Healthy travelers often think they don’t need emergency medical insurance. The truth is, no one’s immune from illness and injury. We receive thousands of calls each year from American Allianz Travel Insurance customers who are experiencing a medical crisis during their trip, such as trauma, broken bones, heart attacks, and strokes. When you have travel insurance, you can contact 24-hour assistance for help in an emergency. Our team of experts can get you the help you need and may even be able to arrange payment in advance for covered emergency medical care.

3. Because your health insurance probably won’t work overseas.

If you get seriously sick or hurt in another country, don’t expect your health insurance card to help. “Many foreign medical facilities and providers require cash payment up front and do not accept U.S. insurance plans. Medicare does not provide coverage outside of the United States,” the U.S. Department of State warns.1 When you have travel insurance with emergency medical and dental benefits, it can pay for losses due to covered medical and dental emergencies that occur during your trip.

4. Because medical evacuations can be really expensive.

If you get seriously sick or badly hurt while traveling overseas, and you need to be taken via helicopter to the nearest high-quality hospital, the cost can be enormous. In some parts of the world, a medical evacuation can potentially cost six figures—and that doesn’t even include the expense of getting you home again.

Travel insurance with emergency medical transportation benefits can pay for you to be transported to the nearest appropriate facility if you suffer a covered illness or injury during your trip and our medical assistance team determines that the local medical facilities are unable to provide appropriate treatment. It can also pay for specialized transportation to bring you home, once your condition is stable.

5. Because travel delays are inevitable.

Airlines’ on-time stats rise and fall from year to year, but on average, around 18% of domestic flights are delayed.3 That’s not even counting the flights that are canceled! That’s why you need travel insurance with travel delay benefits, which can reimburse you for additional accommodation, meals or travel expenses and lost prepaid expenses due to a covered departure delay. You’ll be much happier if you have insurance that can reimburse you for your airport lunch or unexpected extra night in the hotel.

Here’s some even better news: You can get paid $100 per insured person, per day for a covered travel or baggage delay if you have SmartBenefits® (included with the OneTrip Prime and OneTrip Premier plans). You don’t need to provide any receipts—just proof of the delay!

6. Because a missing bag can ruin your trip.

In a recent survey, more than half of travelers said an airline had lost their luggage in the past. Just 34% of them ever got their missing bags back, and 72% said they’d lost an irreplaceable item.

When your suitcase goes AWOL, travel insurance can save the day. Baggage delay benefits can reimburse you for the reasonable additional purchase of essential items during your trip if your baggage is delayed or misdirected by a common carrier for 24 hours or more. Baggage loss/damage benefits can reimburse you for the actual price, actual cash value, repair or replacement of your lost/damaged items—whichever is less—based on the limits in your insurance policy’s letter of confirmation. Just remember: The best place for truly irreplaceable items is in your carry-on luggage, or at home.

7. Because sometimes, even expert travelers need a little help. 

One of the best reasons to buy travel insurance is the peace of mind you get from knowing help’s just a phone call away. When you face a crisis while traveling—a medical emergency, a lost passport, a stolen wallet, a natural disaster, etc.—you can always contact 24-hour assistance. Our U.S.-based team of travel experts will do everything in their power to take care of you and help make things right.